Thursday, April 2, 2009


I said never to say again
To cry is no way out of pain
Then I don’t know what will come off me

Fight, no, I can’t because I am gentle
Don’t take advantage because I need to settle
I said never to say again
But dear, spare my heart the pain

Yes, I said I won’t say
But I will say if I have to say
But let me say what nourishes the heart
I won’t say to hurt
So I said I won’t say


Behold here I am
Tomorrow, I’ll be nowhere
So come and be here
Always stay near

I fulfill sweet vision
And always create a mission
When I arrive I dispel confusion
All that happens is fusion

After me you never know
I’m all you need for now
Don’t let me go away
‘Cos when I go you may cry
I am toady
Have me when I still am

Luke 23:43


Come on let’s dance
Then you won’t pounce
Bring the armor to light
And give everyone a sight

Come on, let’s sing
Sing and nourish our souls
‘Cos there’s no other avenue to solace

Come on, live now
‘Cos yesterday is far gone and tomorrow is far off
The sun shines as we ride, then sets in our eyes

Come on, babe
Flowers appear as the birds sing
When darkness falls we have to lie
Come let’s get it now, there is no other time

Songs of Solomon 2:12


If you go, I’ll follow
You can’t leave behind this
Love of mine, death could never end
Nothing could take this love away from me

I’ve loved you for so long
With a love both true and strong
You are all I’ll ever have
Where you stay I will
Our love will go all the way

Where you go I’ll go with you
No matter where you take me to
Your people will be mine
I will also be there’s
I’d go through hell and back again
And I’d be with you until the end

Ruth 1:16


Did you really know, did you?

That life is not about money

It’s not about people

It’s not about worldly wealth

Did you really know?

That eternity beckons at

Everyone’s door and

Fate is no respecter of persons?

Did you really know?

That friendship is a gift

And not a product

Bought despite its treasures

No monetary tag to it

Did you really know?

Love and friendship are void

Without the inevitable trust as

Love flourishes where there is trust

Did you really know?

You are more than a golden crown

Or any other treasure of the world

You dilate my boredom

Give me the freedom to discover who I am

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


In this life we survive
Very few afford to live
However much we strive
The end is always pensive

We toil hard
The proceeds are bad
It is a stray life
This surely has no end

We build houses
We develop relationships
The armies, fortified walls
All will collapse that one day

What lasts forever?
Romeo and Juliet were lovers
They romantically lived together
Hoping that theirs would endeavor

Nature rules that nothing lasts forever
My love to you was true
I needed nothing but you
All my dreams, hopes and fantasies
I wish I knew
Nothing lasts forever